Configuring an IP/Subnet on a Controller


Use this guide to setup the network configuration of a controller.

Common Causes

  • Power Loss 

        If the IP address was accidentally changed at the controller it will fail after the next power cycle when the new address takes affect. It will cause the system to lose communication with the Windows computer


  • IP configuration is done on the display at the MCU

  • If you are installing a new Controller Card or Rabbit Card make sure you know the IP address and subnet mask.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Scroll through the modes until you see - View Net Info

  2. Press Select to make a change

  3. You will use the Mode button to select which digit to change and the Select button to make the change. You cannot go back to a previous digit if you miss a change. You will have to start the process over.

  4. Once you're satisfied with the changes press the Mode button to accept the change.

  5. Now press the reset button above the rabbit card in the MCU cabinet, or cycle power to the controller

  6. Once the system starts back up scroll through the mode button to verify the change


The IP address will NOT be applied until the controller is re-started